Getting Your API Key


Sign up for an Invaro account

Sign up for an Invaro account if you haven’t already


Navigate to the API Keys section

Go to the API Keys section in your dashboard


Create a new API key

Click on “Create New Key” and give it a descriptive name


Store your API key securely

Copy and store your API key securely - you won’t be able to see it again

Using Your API Key

Include your API key in all API requests using the Bearer token format in the Authorization header:

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer your_api_key" \
  -F "files=@document.pdf"

Security Best Practices

  1. Keep your API key secret - Never expose it in client-side code or public repositories
  2. Use environment variables - Store your API key in environment variables
  3. Rotate keys periodically - Regularly rotate your API keys for enhanced security
  4. Use separate keys - Use different API keys for development and production

Never share your API key or commit it to version control. If your key is compromised, rotate it immediately from your dashboard.

Next Steps

Upload Documents

Learn how to upload documents for processing