Our API supports common document formats while maintaining strict quality standards for optimal processing results.

Supported Formats

PDF Documents

Preferred format for all documents

Digital PDFs
Scanned documents
Text-searchable PDFs


High-quality image format

Scanned documents
Mobile captures
Digital photos


Lossless image format

Screenshot uploads
Digital scans
Web exports

Technical Requirements

File Specifications

Document requirements

Maximum size: 10MB per file
Minimum resolution: 300 DPI
Clear, legible text
Proper orientation

Batch Processing

Upload limitations

Up to 50 files per request
Combined size limit: 500MB
Parallel processing support
Bulk upload capability

Best Practices

Optimal Settings

For best results:

Use 300 DPI or higher
Ensure proper lighting
Maintain aspect ratio
Avoid blurry images

Common Issues

What to avoid:

Low resolution scans
Blurry or skewed images
Poor lighting conditions
Compressed files

Need help with file preparation? Check our best practices guide or contact support.